The World Bank’s training on the analysis of pension fiscal regime
The World Bank recently delivered one week training on the analysis
of pension fiscal regime to the selected Government’s officials from the
Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Social Solidarity. The training
took place from the 26th to the 30th January 2015 at the Ministry of Finance’s Training Center.
The training, delivered by the World Bank trainers, focused on the
Pension Reform Options Simulation Toolkit (PROST) – a computer-based
toolkit to simulate pension systems over times. The system is designed
to estimate future trends of the pension system over a long time frame
including coverage, contributions, benefits, financial flows, test
robustness of the system to the shocks (e.g. demographic and economic)
and evaluate and compare reform options to promote informed policy
The system can produce demographic projections, pension system
demographics, pension system finances and other individual outputs.
In the context of Timor-Leste, the training was very relevant as “it focused on the recently proposed pensions or Social Security Scheme”.
Timor-Leste is not the first country to learn this system. It has
used widely in more than 90 World Bank client countries. It was used to
study the impact of the financial crisis on different types of pension
system, implicit pension debt and compare its test results with the ILO
and some actuarial models.
The training concluded with the ceremony handover of certificate the
13 selected participants from the National Directorate for Economic
Policy of the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Social Solidarity.
Banku Mundial fo treinamentu “análize rejime fiskal pensaun”
Banku Mundial foin lalais ne’e fo treinamentu durante semana ida
konaba “análize rejime fiskal pensaun” ba ofisial sira Governu nian husi
Ministériu Finansas no Ministériu Solidariedade Sosial. Treinamentu
refere realiza husi Sigunda, 26 to’o Sesta, 30 Janeiru 2015 iha Sentru
Treinamentu Ministériu Finansas.
Treinamentu ida ne’e, ne’ebé fornese husi treinador sira Banku
Mundial, foka liu ba iha Pension Reform Options Simulation Toolkit
(PROST) – sistema informátiku ida hodi halo simulasaun ba sistema
pensaun. Sistema ida ne’e dezeñadu hodi halo estimasaun ba tendênsia
futura sistema pensaun ba tempu naruk, inklui kobertura pensaun,
kontribuisaun, benefísiu, fluxu finánseiru, no teste sistema ninia
robustez ba surpreza sira (hanesan demográfika no ekonómika) no avalia
no kompara opsaun sira hodi promove desizaun informada.
Sistema ida ne’e bele prodús projesaun demográfiku, sistema
demográfiku pensaun, sistema finansiamentu pensaun no rezultadu
individual sira seluk.
Iha kontektu Timor-Leste nian, treinamentu ida ne’e relevante
tebes-tebes tamba “nia foka liu pensaun ka Rejime Siguransa Sosial
ne’ebé foin lalais ne’e propoin ona”.
Timor-Leste laos nasaun primeiru ne’ebé aprende konaba sistema ida
ne’e. Nasaun membru liu sia-nulu (90) maka uza tiha ona sistema ida
ne’e. Sira uza hodi estuda impaktu krizi finanséiru ba sistema pensaun
tipu oin-oin, dívida implísita pensaun, no kompara resultadu teste husi
sistema ne’e ho modelu OIT nian no modelu aktuarial sira seluk.
Treinamentu semana ida ne’e remata ho seremonia entrega sertifikadu
ba partisipante selesionadu nain sanulu resin tolu (13) husi Direisaun
Nasional Polítika Ekonómika Ministériu Finansas no Ministériu
Soliedaridade Sosial .