Ministry of
Finance organized a series of information sessions on the update of Petroleum
Fund investment strategy
7 November 2014
Dili – Petroleum Fund Administration Unit of the Ministry of
Finance recently organized a series of information sessions to key stakeholders
informing them of the latest update of the Petroleum Fund investment strategy.
These sessions took place in the Ministry of Finance from Wednesday
the 5th to Friday the 7th of November 2014 and were
attended by key stakeholders including members of the Government, Investment
Advisory Boards and civil societies.
Mr. Peter Ryan-Kane, from Towers Watson, an external advisor
to the Ministry of Finance on the Petroleum Fund’s investment, started the
presentations mentioning that the Petroleum Fund investment strategy takes into
account three core issues; sustainability, diversification and purchasing power
of the Fund.
He recalled that when the Fund started, a simple investment
strategy was adopted, mainly by investing in US dollar denominated high rated
bonds. It was deemed necessary to avoid exposure to risk and volatility, while
building capacity. However, he further elaborated that the then strategy was
unsustainable, as every year a 3% of ESI was withdrawn, while the Fund’s
investment would return less than 2% real.
Therefore, he argued that the fundamental reason for changing
the Petroleum Fund Law was to diversify the Fund’s investment, by investing
across and within different asset classes, to enable the alignment between the
investment policy and fiscal policy. Diversification also helps the Fund to
bolster capital preservation, by avoiding being concentrated in any one asset
The newly revised Petroleum Fund Law allowed for up to 50%
allocation to public equities, not less than 50% in fixed income and not more
than 5% in alternative instruments. It is expected that with the new investment
strategy, 60% in bonds and 40% in equities, there would be a reasonable
probability that in the long-term, the Fund would be able to achieve a real
return of 3%, which is matched to the 3% Estimated Sustainable Income (ESI),
the guidelines for annual transfers to the state budget.
The Government decided in 2012 to increase the public equity
exposure by 0.83% a month over a period of two years to June 2014 as a prudent
means of achieving a 40% equity exposure. Having a long-term investment
horizon, the Fund is ready to assume the higher risk in order to pursue the
expected increase in long-term average return. The Government also decided in
2013 to further diversify the Fund’s fixed income portfolio by reducing its
concentration in US Treasuries. An initial exposure of 10% of the Fund was
allocated to non-US developed market sovereigns, with 30% Eurozone and 10%
country capped.
As of September 2014, the Fund invested 60% in US Treasuries,
10% in non-US sovereign bonds, and 40% in developed market equities. The Fund’s
assets are being managed by BCTL (40%), BIS (10%), Interim Manager (5%),
AllianceBernstein (5%), SSgA (18%), Blackrock (17%), and Schroders (5%). The
Fund’s assets were invested across more than 2,579 securities, with more than
70% of them located in the US, and the remaining spread across Europe, Japan,
the UK, Canada, Australia and other developed countries.
The Fund earned a net investment return of 4.4% or an
accumulated $2.4 billion, since its inception in 2005. The 2013 was an
outstanding year for equity markets in developed economies, while bond markets
performed badly. The Fund’s equity investment performed exceptionally well in
2013, returned 27% for the year. The one year equity return, however, should be
considered more of an exception than the rule, as it may be difficult for
equity markets to post a similar result in 2014.
The divergent performance between equities and bonds
illustrated the virtue of diversification. By investing in several asset
classes that seldom move in tandem, the total Fund is shielded from the full impact
of temporary negative returns from any one of these.
The Government is currently contemplating making further
incremental improvements to the bond and equity portfolios by investing in a
wider range of sub-asset classes to improve the risk and return characteristics
of the Fund.
Ministériu Finansas organiza sesaun informativa konaba atuliazasaun
estratéjia investimentu Fundu Petrolíferu
7 Novembru 2014
Dili – Unidade Administrasaun
Fundu Petrolíferu husi Ministériu Finansas foin lalais ne’e organiza sesaun
informativa lubuk ida hodi informa ba parte interesada sira konaba atualizasaun
estratéjia investimentu Fundu Petrolíferu.
Sesaun informativa hirak ne’e
realiza iha edifísiu Ministériu Finansas nian hahú husi loron Kuarta, dia 5
to’o Sesta dia 7 Novembru 2014, ne’ebé atende husi parte interesada sira inklui
membrus Governu, membrus Komite Asesoria Investimentu no Sosiedade Sivil sira.
Sr. Peter Ryan-Kane, husi Towers
Watson, konsultór esternu ba Ministériu Finansas iha área investimentu Fundu
Petrolíferu, hahú ninia aprezentasaun hodi mensiona katak estratéjia
investimentu Fundu Petrolíferu sempre tau iha konsiderasaun asuntu importante
tolu maka hanesan sustentabilidade, diversifikasaun no poder kompras Fundu
Nia fo hanoin hikas fali katak
wainhira Fundu Petrolíferu hahú, ita adopta estratéjia investimentu ida simples
hodi investe hotu deit iha obrigasaun sira nivel a’as demoninadu iha dolar EUA.
Iha tempu ne’ebá estratéjia refere importante tebes hodi tulun Fundu evita
espozisaun ba risku no volatilidade, no iha tempu hanesan mos hakbiit no hasae
ita nia kapasidade. Maibe, nia elabora liu tan katak estratéjia refere la
sustentável, tamba kada tinan ita hasai 3% Rendimentu Sustentável Estimativa
(RSE) husi Fundu Petrolíferu, enkuantu investimentu husi Fundu refere fo deit
retornu menus husi 2% real.
Tamba ne’e, nia argumenta katak
razaun fundamental hodi halo mudansa ba Lei Fundu Petrolíferu maka hodi
diversifika investimentu Fundu Petrolíferu liu husi halo investimentu ba iha
klase ativu oin-oin, hodi nune’e ita bele hetan aliñamentu entre polítika
investimentu ho polítika fiskal. Nia mos realsa katak diversifikasaun ajuda
Fundu Petrolíferu mantein prezervasaun kapital, no evita risku konsentrasaun
iha klase ativu ida deit.
Lei Fundu Petrolíferu foun ne’ebé
foi lalais ne’e hetan revizaun prevee katak Fundu Petrolíferu investe másimu
50% iha ações públicas, no mínimu 50%
investe iha rendimento fixo no la liu
husi 5% investe iha instrumentos
alternativos. Ita espera katak ho estratéjia investimentu foun, 60% iha
obrigasaun no 40% iha asaun, iha probabilidade razoável katak iha longu-prazu
Fundu bele atinji retornu real 3%, hanesan ho 3% RSE, ne’ebé sai hanesan sasukat
transferênsia anual ba orsamentu estadu.
Governu desidi iha tinan 2012
hodi hasae investimentu ba ações públicas,
ho montante 0.83% kada fulan durante tinan rua nia laran to’o Juñu 2014 hanesan
meius ida prudenti liu hodi atinji objetivu alokasaun 40% ba investimentu iha
asaun. Hanesan investor longu-prazu, Fundu Petrolíferu prontu atu asumi risku
hodi nune’e bele atinji média retornu longu-prazu ne’ebé a’as. Governu mos
desidi iha tinan 2013 hodi diversifika liu tan karteira rendimento fixo hodi redúz konsentrasaun iha Tezouru EUA. Espozisaun
inísiu 10% aloka ba obrigasaun nasaun soberanu dezenvolvidu sira ex-EUA, ho
limitasaun másimu 30% alokasaun ba Zonaeuro no másimu 10% iha nasaun ida.
Iha fulan Setembru 2014, Fundu
Petrolíferu investe 60% in Tezouru EUA, 10% iha obrigasaun nasaun soberanu
non-EUA no 40% iha asaun merkadu dezenvolvidu. Investimentu Fundu Petrolíferu jere
husi BCTL (40%), BIS (10%), Jestor Interinu (5%), AllianceBernstein (5%), SSgA
(18%), Blackrock (17%) no Schroders (5%). Fundu Petrolífefru investe iha mais de 2,579 títulus finanséirus, husi
ne’ebé 70% investe iha EUA, no restu investe iha Europa, Japaun, Reinu Unidu,
Kanadá, Austrália no nasaun dezenvolvidu sira seluk.
Desde Fundu Petrolíferu
estabelese iha tinan 2005, ita hetan ona retornu investimentu líkidu 4.4% ou reseitas
investimentu akumuladu hamutuk 2,4 biloens. Tinan 2013 sai hanesan tinan ida diak
tebes ba merkadu asaun iha ekonomia nasaun dezenvolvidu sira, enkuantu merkadu
obrigasaun la fo retornu ne’ebé diak iha tinan ne’ebá. Iha tinan 2013 deit retornu
investimentu husi asaun a’as tebes ho 27%. Maibe retornu asaun tinan ida ne’ebá
ita konsidera hanesan eksepsaun ida, tamba sei susar tebes ba merkadau asaun
hodi fo rezultadu hanesan iha tinan 2014.
Diferensia iha dezenpeñu entre asaun
no obrigasaun hatudu mai ita importansia husi diversifikasaun. Wainhira ita
investe iha klase ativu oin-oin, ne’ebé dala barak iha mudansa la hanesan, maka
Fundu sei hetan protesaun husi impaktu temporáriu retornu negativu entre klase
ativu sira ne’e ida.
Governu agora daundaun hanoin
hela atu hadiak liu tan karteria investimentu obrigasaun no asaun hodi investe
iha sub-klase ativu sira seluk atu bele hadiak karaterístika risku no retornu Fundu
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