Monday, 2 March 2015

Minister of Finance received a surprise visit from Commission C of the National Parliament

Dili – On the morning 26 February 2015, members of the Commission C of the Timor-Leste National Parliament made a surprise visit to the Ministry of Finance. The delegation, which was headed by Pedro Mártires da Costa, president of the Commission C, was received by Minister of Finance, Ms. Santina Cardoso.

The visit started with the Minister of Finance and the Director of Treasury, Mr. Agostinho Castro accompanying the delegation to inspect the works of front, middle and back office of the Payroll Department under the Directorate General of Treasury. The unscheduled visit was motivated by the lawmakers’ concern of the “recent complaints” raised regarding “the late payment of salaries of some public servants”.

In response to such concern, the Minister informed the delegation that “the government has put rules and regulations, systems and procedures in place to ensure that the payment process is done in a timely, efficient and effective manner”.

According to the Law, line ministries are required to submit to the Ministry of Finance the request and required documentations for processing payment of public servants salaries no later than the 15th day each month. Late submission will not be processed and deferred to the following month.

In addition, the Minister mentioned that a “check list” was created and distributed to finance officials in the line ministries. The “check list” is a comprehensive list of the crucial tasks in the payment process. It ensures that no important step is forgotten. It helps improve efficiency by minimizing mistakes and the time delay to rectify these mistakes.

The Minister also shared with the delegation that regular training is provided to the finance officials of the line ministries. The purpose of the training, she said, is to help these officials to familiarize and improve themselves on the use of FreeBalance system and its added features.   

The Minister further informed the lawmakers that the Ministry of Finance is going to organize a national test to all public servants, agents and managers who deal with public finance including procurement, public contract, assets and logistics management. The test aims to evaluate the capacity of those finance officials in the areas of arithmetic, analytical skills, mathematic competencies, procurement laws and regulations, budgeting, financial and assets management.

The visit, which lasted for about an hour, ended with members of the delegation concluding that “the problem lies not with the Ministry of Finance, but the line ministries” – END. 

Ministériu Finansas simu vizita surpreza husi Komisaun C

Dili – Iha loron 26 Fevereiru 2015 dadér, membru sira Komisaun C husi Parlamentu Nasional Timor-Leste nian halao vizita surpreza ida mai iha Ministériu Finansas. Delegasaun ne’e, ne’ebé lidera husi Sr. Pedro Mártires da Costa, prezidente Komisaun C, simu direitamentu husi Ministra Finansas Sra. Santina Cardoso.

Vizita ida ne’e hahú ho Ministra no Direitór Jerál Tezouru Sr. Agostinho Castro akompaña delegasun hodi halo inspeisaun ba servisu funsiunariu sira iha "front, middle no back office” iha Departamentu Pagamentu iha Direisaun Jeral Tezouru nia okos. Vizita surpreza ida ne’e mosu tamba deputadu sira preokupa ho “lamentasaun balun” ne’ebé diriji ba sira konaba “atrazu iha pagamentu saláriu funsiunáriu públiku sira balun”.

Hatán ba preokupasaun ida ne’e, Ministra informa ba delegasaun sira katak “governu estabelese tiha ona regulamentu, sistema no prosedimentu lubuk ida hodi asegura prosesamentu ba pagamentu halao ho maneira ida lalais, efikás no efisiente”.

Liña ministériu sira, tuir lei, tenki submete ba Ministériu Finansa pedidu no dokumentus rekezitus sira ba pagamentu salarial funsiunáriu públiku nian la liu husi loron 15 kada fulan. Submisaun ne’ebé tarde sei la prosesa no sei adia ba fulan tuir mai.

Ministra mos informa ba deputadu sira katak Ministériu kria no distribui tiha ona “check list” ida ba ofisial finansa sira iha liña ministériu sira. “Check list” ida ne’e hanesan lista kompriensiviu ida konaba servisu importante ne’ebé ofisial finansa sira tenkiser kompleta uluk iha liña ministériu sira molok lori mai iha Ministériu Finansa. Ho nune’é bele asegura no hadiak efisiênsia servisu liu husi hamenus salan sira no tempu ne’ebé lakon hodi hadiak salan sira ne’e.  

Aleim de ne’e, Ministra mos fahe informasaun ba delegasaun sira katak Ministériu Finansa mos regularmente fo treinamentu ba ofisial finansa sira liña ministériu nian. Tuir nia, objetivu husi treinamentu hirak ne’e maka atu ajuda ofisial sira ne’e familiariza no hadiak sira nia-a’an konaba uzu sistema FreeBalance no buat importante sira seluk.

Ministra informa ba deputadu sira katak iha tempu badak Ministériu Finansa sei organiza teste nasional ida ba funsiunáriu públiku, ajente no jerente sira hotu ne’ebé iha kompenténsia relasiona ho finansa públika inklui aprovizionamentu, kontratu públiku, jestaun patrimôniu no jestaun lojístiku. Objetivu husi teste ida ne’e maka atu avalia méritu ofisial finansa sira ne’e nian iha area aritmêtika, kompeténsia analítika, kompeténsia matemátika, lei no regulamentu sira aprovizionamentu, orsamentu, jestaun finansa no jestaun patrimôniu. 

Vizita ida ne’e remata ho membru deputadu sira konklui katak “afinal problema laos iha Ministériu Finansa, maibe iha liña ministériu sira” – REMATA.

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